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RexAndHannah1: This is why a board needs a full time Staff, IMO. Mar 10, 2024 16:38:02 GMT
RexAndHannah1: Well, it says I am a mod in the RPG section. However, it says "recycle", not "Delete" when it comes to post. but when try to 'recycle' the spam posts, nothing happens! Mar 10, 2024 22:13:30 GMT
RexAndHannah1: Sol has vanished and I have no way of contacting her. Anyone know her e-mail address. If you do, PM it to me. Mar 10, 2024 22:15:02 GMT
Patience Elena Halliwell: Maybe she is on Twitter or something Mar 11, 2024 0:57:36 GMT
RexAndHannah1: The whole Staff seems to have abdicated. Mar 11, 2024 4:25:06 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: I message her once in a while on Instagram , but she’s been so busy with real life , I haven’t had received any responses from her for a while now. Mar 12, 2024 5:19:29 GMT *
RexAndHannah1: Well, if she's too busy to properly run this board, then, IMO,she should turn it over to someone who can. Mar 12, 2024 16:28:57 GMT
Patience Elena Halliwell: :-S I wonder Mar 17, 2024 23:57:48 GMT
RexAndHannah1: We're almost at April, but the calendar still says January. Mar 28, 2024 4:23:07 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: Real life has really kept our admin pretty busy Mar 29, 2024 3:54:40 GMT
guest: i cant tell if this is an rp site or a tv show.... Apr 3, 2024 2:41:32 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: It's a visual script series that the admin has written. so not a real tv show , but there was roleplay in the past Apr 3, 2024 5:32:56 GMT
RexAndHannah1: And we've been hit again. Once again, it's in an area were I can do nothing. Apr 5, 2024 16:13:22 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: curious why they keep choosing those spots , out of all the other threads Apr 6, 2024 1:04:29 GMT
RexAndHannah1: They probably know I can't delete them in those forums. Apr 6, 2024 4:20:15 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: when i first came here on this board, I don't remember when bots ever attacked this board even with the inactiveness of most staff on this board, and all of sudden, i think it's two years now, bots are coming left and right on this board Apr 6, 2024 4:31:28 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: which it's unfortunate, so much work was put into making this board very wonderful and then bots just coming in and don't care. Apr 6, 2024 4:32:04 GMT
RexAndHannah1: Went to Proboards Support and asked for help. As you can see, they took care of the spam. Apr 26, 2024 22:01:56 GMT
Darcelia Darkwell: that's great to hear Apr 28, 2024 4:39:46 GMT
RexAndHannah1: Calendar still reads January. SEVEN months ago! Jul 21, 2024 16:16:22 GMT
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